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Peter Attia’s Fitness Protocol

Peter Attia's fitness protocol for longevity includes stability, strength, zone 2, V02 Max, and the Attia Rule. Here's a look at Peter Attia's workout routine:

Peter Attia's Workout Advice

Peter Attia suggests these four key elements for weekly workouts:

  1. Stability: Daily training to enhance stability. Peter Attia uses a technique known as Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) for this. Yoga and pilates are good alternatives to DNS.
  2. Strength: Devote three days each week to strength building. Peter Attia alternates between the upper and lower body each day.
  3. Zone 2: Three hours weekly, split into 3-4 sessions, are aimed at increasing aerobic capacity. Zone 2 is a type of cardiovascular exercise that pushes you to a level where speaking would be difficult, but not impossible.
  4. VO2 Max: One session a week is dedicated to improving anaerobic performance. For Peter Attia VO2 Max training involves very high intensity exercises (around 90 to 100 percent of max heart rate) for 3 – 8 minute intervals.

Peter Attia's Workout Schedule

Here's how Peter Attia recommends incorporating all four elements throughout the week:

  • Monday: 10 minutes of a stability practice; 60 minutes of lower body strength training.
  • Tuesday: 10 minutes of a stability practice; 60 minutes of zone 2 cardio.
  • Wednesday: 10 minutes of a stability practice; 60 minutes of upper body strength training.
  • Thursday: 10 minutes of a stability practice; 60 minutes of zone 2 cardio.
  • Friday: 10 minutes of a stability practice; 60 minutes of lower body strength training.
  • Saturday: 10 minutes of a stability practice; 60 minutes of zone 2 cardio; 30 minutes of zone 5 cardio.
  • Sunday: 10 minutes of a stability practice; 60 minutes of zone 2 cardio, 60 minutes of upper body strength training.
Peter Attia stability practice
Peter Attia stability practice

The Attia Rule

For Peter Attia fitness is so important that on the Huberman podcast he suggested not even focusing on supplementation or diet until you are able to do the following exercises:

  1. Dead Hang: 2 minutes for males and 90 seconds for females
  2. Wall Sit: 2 minutes
  3. Farmer Carry Bodyweight: Entire bodyweight for males, and 75% bodyweight for females
  4. VO2 Max in 75th percentile for age
Peter Attia farmer carry
Peter Attia farmer carry

Scientific Rationale

Research shows exercise improves general health, mental health, and social functioning.

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